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3 Golden Principles to Raising Happy, Confident and Competent Children.
FREE e-book: 3 Golden Principles to Raising Happy, Confident and Competent Children.

Avoid These 21 Mistakes to Help Your Child Achieve Abundance Consciousness

I have been deeply studying the topic of consciousness development in children and parents, and was surprised to find that many things that parents do can actually reduce their children’s sense of abundance. Unfortunately, many of us were raised with a lack consciousness, and often pass these limiting beliefs on to our children.

While there is an increasing awareness of the importance of teaching children about abundance consciousness, many parents are not aware of the 21 different ways they unconsciously reduce their children’s sense of abundance.

Abundance consciousness is a state of focusing on what we have and what is possible, rather than focusing on what is missing. It is a process of letting go of limiting beliefs, fears, and concerns, and choosing to live with abundance. This process can be challenging for parents, as it requires facing fears and deeply ingrained thought patterns. However, it is crucial for the success and happiness of both parents and children.
Not only is the success and happiness of children important here but a sense of lack of abundance harms children’s confidence, and self-esteem and often leads to conflicts with their peers and siblings, assuming they are lacking the same amount of love and appreciation others getting.

I’ve summarized 21 ways in which parents may inhibit children’s abundance consciousness so youi know what to avoid:
1. Letting patterns of the past manage them: Many parents unconsciously follow patterns they learned growing up and neglect to reflect on whether they still align with their values and goals. This can limit their children’s abundance consciousness by instilling limiting beliefs.

2. Saying one thing and doing another: When parents communicate inconsistent messages through their words and actions, children can become confused about what is truly important. This can undermine their belief in abundance and create negative feelings about money and success.

3. Restricting and imposing prohibitions only because “that’s the way it is”: Imposing strict rules and restrictions can make children feel that they are limited and prevent them from exploring new possibilities. This can restrict their abundance consciousness and limit their potential.

4. Sending double messages towards money: Parents who talk about the importance of money while also emphasizing the negative aspects of wealth and success can send mixed messages that undermine children’s beliefs in abundance. This can lead to limiting beliefs and negative feelings about money and success.

5. Believing in glass ceilings and walls: Parents who believe in limitations such as glass ceilings or walls can limit their children’s abundance consciousness by instilling beliefs that success is limited by external factors. This can undermine their sense of possibility and limit their potential.

6. Narrowing down options: Parents who limit their children’s choices and discourage them from pursuing their passions can restrict their abundance consciousness. This can create negative feelings about their potential and limit their opportunities for growth and success.

7. Giving a personal example of a lack: When parents model negative beliefs about abundance and talk about their own shortcomings, they can limit their children’s consciousness of abundance. This can create limiting beliefs and negative feelings about money and success.

8. Criticizing children – Negative criticism can erode children’s self-esteem and limit their sense of abundance and potential.

9. Failing to provide positive reinforcement – By neglecting to acknowledge and celebrate children’s successes, parents can limit their sense of abundance and potential.

10. Focusing on lack instead of abundance – By focusing on what they don’t have, instead of what they do have, parents can instill a sense of scarcity in their children.

11. Being overly critical or perfectionistic – This can create unrealistic expectations and limit children’s sense of abundance and potential.

12. Failing to support children’s dreams and goals – This can limit their sense of abundance and potential by suggesting that their aspirations are not important or attainable.

13. Neglecting to provide financial education – By failing to teach children about money management and financial literacy, parents can limit their sense of abundance and potential.

14. Reinforcing limiting beliefs – For example, reinforcing the belief that certain groups of people are inherently limited can limit children’s sense of abundance and potential.

15. Failing to acknowledge and celebrate success – This can limit children’s sense of abundance and potential by failing to acknowledge and celebrate their achievements.

16. Failing to provide opportunities for growth and learning – By limiting children’s experiences and exposure to new ideas, parents can limit their sense of abundance and potential.

17. Focusing on fear instead of possibility – By focusing on fear and danger, parents can limit children’s sense of abundance and potential.

18. Failing to provide a sense of security – By neglecting to provide children with a sense of safety and stability, parents can limit their sense of abundance and potential.

19. Failing to provide a positive and supportive environment – By creating a negative and hostile environment, parents can limit children’s sense of abundance and potential.

20. Comparing children to others: Parents who frequently compare their children to others can create a sense of competition that undermines their confidence and sense of abundance. This can create negative feelings about their abilities and limit their potential for success.

21. Criticizing children: When parents are overly critical of their children, they can create a sense of low self-esteem and self-doubt that can limit their abundance consciousness. This can make it more difficult for children to believe in their own potential and achieve success.

As parents, we often ask ourselves how our words, actions, and thoughts impact our children and how we can help them develop an abundance consciousness. To help answer these questions, I have created the Mind Empowering Meditation for Creating and Abundance Midset for Children.

Many parents today are aware of the importance of developing an abundance mind set. While doing so parents wish they had the tools to support their children in developing such a mind set.

This meditation includes a variety of Positive Whispers that can help your child develop an abundance mind set.

Hundreds of children are already experiencing rapid emotional and behavioral changes, self-esteem empowerment and a great increase in their sense of efficacy with Positive Whispers.

Click here to get your copy of the meditation

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