Inesa, we did it! The EPW Method simply works!
‘Inesa we did it!’ she tells me as she walks in to my clinic three weeks after starting the process, a large smile on her face, beaming and so excited.
A whispering mom, a very gentle and beautiful woman who looks like a high school girl, working in the education arena for many years, sitting opposite me and gladly sharing the changes her two sons went through during the three weeks of implementing the EPW method principles at home.
Her excitement and joy took me back three weeks to the day she first entered my clinic, hesitantly and with a look of total despair.
‘We’ve been through a very rough year, and I don’t know what to do anymore.’ Her oldest son, 5 year old Jonathan, a cute boy who could not relax at all, with difficulty in sensory regulation and delayed speech, was going to various methods of therapy ever since the age of two.
By the age of 5 he had already had a routine of visiting a speech therapist, an emotional therapist and an occupational therapist.
Not to mention that at his young age was already diagnosed with ADHD.
Jonathan experienced a lot of frustration and social difficulties in kindergarten and other social activities. This frustration led him to behave aggressively, violently and impatiently, both at school and at home towards his family and younger brother. His mother describes Jonathan as a child who generally cursed, yelled, hit and insulted others as part of his hardship in expressing himself verbally.
Tommy, the younger son at 3.5, was the complete opposite of his brother: an easygoing child, cheerful, light and cooperative. But he was very hurt and offended by his older brother’s behavior. At 2.5 he started getting toilet trained, but after encountering difficulty with the teachers at the daycare he went to he started soiling himself several times a day, and would only go in his underwear, a fact which made the family routine very difficult. Various treatments he was taken to were unhelpful and over the course of the past year the issue of soiling became one of the ways the older brother hurt and insulted the younger one.
Furthermore, Tommy lacked self confidence, was shy and always stuck close to his mother for protection since he felt unable to succeed on his own.
Both children were suffering, as were the parents, and the educational system and extended family didn’t know what do to and how to help. Homeopathic, psychological and behavioral treatments failed to bring about any change, and the situation at home just went from bad to worse.
And so she came to the decision to start learning and implementing the EPW method.
On the one hand, the mother was exhausted from the tempestuous years they’d been through, and on the other she was determined to take the reins into her own hands and make a change at home and in the children’s lives. Together we decided which were the areas we would focus on, I instructed her on the tools she should use at home, and we were on our way.
The first thing we noticed was that Jonathan, the older son, started behaving in a much calmer manner and cooperating with the family.
Within just a few days he started talking so much more fluently and using complete sentences, which surprised his parents. The extended family also started noticing the difference. In a family event that took place took place just one week into the process, everyone noticed how nicely he was playing, calmly, happily and he was even sharing his toys. This was in fact the first time he behaved so quietly and nicely in the presence of the extended family, and he was rewarded with lots of praise and positive feedback for this behavior.
In parallel to working on the child’s self esteem and emotions we also put a lot of focus on the mother’s feelings regarding the issues with her children, in order to free her from her own difficulties and thus help her children be freed as well.
Within two weeks Tommy, the younger son, had joined up in the process and started showing signs of change.
One day he asked his mom to take him to the toilet as he needs to go. His mother didn’t believe her ears when she heard this.
But more over she couldn’t’ believe her eyes seeing her child walk into the bathroom and do things naturally and not in his underpants.
He started requesting to go to the bathroom by himself every time he needed to go, and by the third week he didn’t have a single accident! The soiling had disappeared in only three weeks!
Over the course of those three weeks he exhibited more independent and mature behavior, and during a family vacation he went up to the karaoke microphone and sang in front of the entire audience. His mother described that moment with shining eyes, how her shy boy suddenly changed his spots and decided to show off his talent to the world.
The next step for the mother was to focus on assimilating the positive feelings and the empowering experiences the entire family was feeling and going through. We acknowledged and mentioned all the good which was befalling the family thanks to the mom’s initiative and thanks to her determination to succeed and further her family to positive places, places of growth.
Today the mom reports that she feels that she herself has been empowered, the house has become calmer, the children feel secure, behave nicely to each other and she can see the clearly see the dramatic change the all went through, a change that begun in the first week since they embraced the EPW method into their life. She is committed to continuing using the method in order to help her children and family grow and to help her children realize the enormous potential she can already see in them.